Women’s Yoga Retreat

Immerse yourself in a transformative journey to align with natures cycles and life’s seasons.

Women’s Yoga Retreat
Puglia Italy
02-06 October 2024

Join us in deepening the essence of your femininity amidst the breathtaking landscapes of southern Italy.

Our Women's Retreat invites you to embrace the sacred rhythm of your feminine cycle, reconnect with nature, and feel empowered by the transitions in your life.

How long has it been since you’ve given yourself time to reconnect with yourself? 

It can be incredibly difficult for the woman who is the nurturer for so many people, to find her own time to rejuvenate and reconnect with her own needs.

Throughout this transformative 5 day retreat you get to explore all parts of yourself again. You get to reconnect with your dreams and your pleasures.

We guide you with movement practices like yoga, sensual dance, energy work and daily workshops where you will learn how to live by your natural cycles, so that life supports you.

We are here to nurture you and offer you the opportunity to re-discover your inner joy and connection to self.

“This retreat was life-changing. I am a different woman.”

“I am more myself than I have ever been.”

This 5 day immersion will offer you a newfound sense of rejuvenation and empowerment. 

What to expect:

Acquire practical skills from our moon cycles workshops, 

Deepen the connection to your own feminine cycles, 

Rejuvenate with Yin Yoga + sound healing,

Feel supported and empowered by your facilitators,

Discover excitement and liberation,

Permission to explore and grow,

Learn how to balance rest and creative flow,

Cherish the friendships formed with other women,

Take home valuable tools that you will implement immediately.

During your stay, there is plenty of time to explore the breathtaking beaches of Polignano a Mare and Monopoli, take long nature walks between the olive groves or relax by the pool and enjoy the jacuzzi..

Our retreat serves as a nurturing environment where personal growth and the full spectrum of feminine energy is celebrated.

This retreat is not only 5 days to rejuvenate but it serves all of humanity. By remembering the natural cycles and connection to your feminine being, you can role model this to your children, nieces, sisters, and girlfriends and create the change we need to see in the world.

Join us on the New Moon in Libra
02-06 October 2024 
Polignano a Mare, Puglia, Italy

Retreat Schedule

Meet your facilators

  • Erin Rose

    Erin Rose


    Erin, a captivating and enchanting guide, weaves a tapestry of wonder and magic into the lives of those seeking personal growth. With expertise in Yoga, the Energetic Body, and the transformative energies of Aura-Soma®, she guides countless individuals towards inner-peace and self-acceptance.

    Her journey with mindfulness and self growth started in Italy, in San Benedetto del Tronto back in 2009. Romina had invited Erin to join her at an incredible Self Love retreat, Amar Si. It completely cracked her open and from this day, Erin has continued to deepen and explore her connection to all parts of her self, and bring union to the emotional and mental bodies.

    “Self-love is not about taking a bath. It’s about accepting yourself when no-one else will.”

  • Romina


    Romina discovered her sensuality through dance. What began as a fun new hobby quickly evolved into a journey of self-discovery, understanding the body and how it communicates through movement. Along this path, she experienced transformation and forged deep connection and awareness of herself. Her curiosity about the nature of existence blossomed, and the universe itself was guiding her. It was during this time that she encountered her master, who opened her to an entirely new dimension.

    Romina is passionate about sharing her knowledge and continuing to learn. Through every reunion there is discovery for both her as the facilitator and those who receive the tools. It has been twenty years since Romina embarked on her teaching journey, twenty years of fitness, dance, and an evolving awareness of movement.

    “With every movement there can be presence… or not… that is the difference”.

“I’ve found my community of inspiring women who lift me up.”

“I feel a new depth of love for myself. I finally value myself.”

“You are the greatest project you will ever work on.”